Our Profile - Philip on Eleni

One of the greatest joys of my life was meeting my wife Eleni – a person whom I love deeply and who is truly my best friend. We often hear that opposites attract, but in the case of Eleni, I have found a person who strives for the same ideals as I do, but with a passion and commitment that is rare. Eleni is a high-energy, loving and deeply thoughtful person who learned strong values from her parents and her paternal grandmother, who lived with her as a child. One of those values is a deep passion for those in need. Eleni works in public health in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago, working with children and their parents to help them live healthier and fuller lives. Her genuine and caring ways have helped her to earn the trust and respect of everyone she works with.

While work is very important to her, life is her passion, and living it abundantly. Whether it is going to the pool with our niece and nephew, planning our next vacation, or vegging on the couch watching her beloved Minnesota Vikings, Eleni knows how to enjoy life and the people in it. While she strives to do her best in everything she undertakes, Eleni always prioritizes her relationships with family and friend above all else. She is also an avid reader who looks forward to reading our child bedtime stories.
One of Eleni’s greatest desires is to be a mother. Eleni possesses qualities of sincere love, gentleness and kindness. I have witnessed such qualities while spending time with my brother’s and our friends’ children. Eleni loves to cuddle with those kids, especially when we are babysitting them and they are feeling afraid during their parents’ absence. By the end of those nights, the kids are usually crying because they have to leave the arms of Aunt Eleni!